The following one thousand word scenarios are adapted from initial sketches and feedback from over 200 S1/S2 and S5/S6 pupils across Scotland in early research exploring the future use of AI in Scottish education.

Set in 2035, these updated storylines incorporate the insights and perspectives of those young people. They are designed as a workshop resource to engage classroom practitioners and education professionals in a new series of workshops scheduled for September 2024. The goals of these sessions are to:

  • Gather input from classroom practitioners on the practical actions, tools, and resources needed to support teachers, and determine who should take responsibility for these actions.
  • Encourage classroom practitioners and education professionals to consider what they should be thinking about now in relation to AI.
  • Identify the opportunities and risks that AI presents for education from the perspective of teachers.
Boundless Classrooms

It’s the year 2035. Classrooms are not just four walls around you, but a gateway to the whole universe

Digital Divide

It’s 2035. Scotland is more divided than ever

Classical Corridors

It’s the year 2035. Our story comes from the Classical Corridors of Scotland’s schools