It’s the year 2034. Our story comes from the Classical Corridors of Scotland’s schools. It’s not a place of futuristic gadgets or anything like that. No, it’s a place where we learn from the power of books, the art of handwriting, and the discipline of memorising.
Mr Cook, an English Teacher, says “Technology in my class is just a guest, it does not live here. What’s next? AI sets an assignment, it is written by AI instead of a pupil and then marked by AI? Where’s the learning in that?”. He’s not a great fan of AI, to be honest. He thinks that kids learn best from face to face discussions, and should try to get a deep understanding of each subject. That’s what will help get you to College or Uni or get a
good job.
Computers and tablets are allowed, of course, and coding needed for AI is taught, but you are not allowed to use AI tools such as ChatGPT 18 in school. Teachers say it is cheating to use AI for homework and you can get into pretty big trouble if you get caught.
Lots of people hate AI today and refuse to use it. They’re worried their personal information will not be safe, and people even say AI reinforces racism and sexism. Everyone has a view!
But teachers know their subjects! They don’t just teach, they’re experts in their subjects, and they guide all pupils carefully through each lesson. They believe that the best way to learn is the way it’s always been done – through hard work and lots of practice.
School looks pretty much like it always has, which some people like. Pupils follow a timetable and go to different classrooms for different lessons. That does mean they lug a bag full of books and folders around, but they need to keep their notes close to them for revision. There’s always another test or exam on the horizon.
But not everyone thinks this way is the best. Outside of school, some parents worry that their kids might need more modern skills, especially with how fast technology is changing the world. Lots of kids have been using AI Snapchat for ages. Some like it – it’s like having a friend you can ask questions to. Some can’t be bothered with it, and think it’s pretty rubbish.
Some parents are also worried that their kids might miss out on learning important new things without advanced technology. The world of work uses AI all the time. Caledonian Electric uses AI to decide which job applications fit the company’s ethics and which do not. After this their social media team looks through every social media post applicants have posted to check they share the same values. Only when they pass that, will they get the chance of an interview. If you get it, you’ll be using AI every day in your role.
It’s a subject that divides people in lots of ways!
- What did you like about your 2034 story and why?
- What did you dislike about your 2034 story and why?
- Imagine you went to school in this kind of future. Write down what you think going to school would be like for you.