What does the project involve?

A project to develop a website of resources that can be used by local authorities and classroom practitioners as a toolkit to discuss the impact of AI on education. Central to this resource would be a series of scenarios set in Scotland in 2034 describing the nature of education and the use and application of AI.

This website and downloadable resources would be open source and free to anyone who wanted to use them and would inform a series of Think Tank workshops across Scotland at which we would aim to consider the potential of AI to enhance learning whilst also reflecting on the intended and possible  unintended consequences of embracing AI.

Our objective is to distribute the ‘children-focussed’ scenario resources extensively among classroom practitioners throughout  Scotland. This initiative aims to support both classroom practice and promote school-based innovation on how AI can best support ‘critical thinking skills’ alongside the exam-focused curriculum. 

Key dates

‘Learning without Boundaries’ is being supported by Local Authorities, Regional Improvement Collaboratives and Education Scotland.

Between May and June 2024, we will hold a creative engagement session directly with children and young people within each of six RIC areas.

We will run  ‘Learning Beyond Boundaries’ online engagement sessions with local authority education staff in June 2024.

Lastly, we will also be running  online ‘Learning Beyond Boundaries’ sessions in September 2024 for classroom practitioners. Events will be open to teachers to attend and contribute to.

Who are we?

The Staff College

We provide professional development and leadership support for those working in public sector and partner organisations, with a well-established reputation within Children’s Services and alliances within education, health and social care and adult’s services. The College is a non-profit organisation and prides itself on reinvesting into the sector by evolving the products we provide to support the ever-changing environments throughout the UK.


ADES is an independent professional network for leaders and managers in education and children’s services. We inform and influence education policy in Scotland working in partnership with local and national government, regional improvement collaboratives, Education Scotland, COSLA and other relevant agencies.