AI: Learning Beyond Boundaries

Just Released

Our paper presents the findings from the first two phases of the project, which involved workshop engagement with over 200 young people, more than 100 teachers across Scottish schools and 211 responses to our AI in Scottish education survey.

Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education: Insights from Young People and Teachers in Scotland

Join us, Join in

‘Learning Beyond Boundaries’ is a new year-long collaborative project, being led by the Staff College and ADES (Association of Directors of Education in Scotland).

The project is aimed at stimulating discussion and imagination in Scottish schools on the potential of AI to enhance learning experiences.


Why this project?

We are at a pivotal moment in history, where the integration of AI into educational practices presents unparalleled opportunities for innovation, inclusivity, and transformation in learning and teaching methodologies.

As we stand on the brink of this technological revolution, the need to anticipate, understand, and shape the future landscape of education has never been more critical.

The current pace of change is swift, and the impacts are as yet unclear. Come and join us as we look to explore a series of alternative visions of how AI may develop – and shape – the future of education.

This project will develop over four phases in 2024

Collect research evidence on the development and application of AI in education settings through a series of quickfire interviews with key stakeholders in Scottish Education. Create possible scenario sketches for 2035.

June – for pathfinder Authorities, a series of engagement events in Schools with S1/ S2 and S5/S6 pupils

Sept – engagement sessions with classroom practitioners and with education staff.

Development of resources, toolkits, top tips for schools to think about how to approach and use AI in learning, all available through a new website.

The project materials will be launched at the end of 2024. Schools will also be able to book a slot with the Staff College to run facilitated sessions.